About Us
Space-Trac takes traditional fixed items and makes them mobile in a controlled system. The mobility allows for compaction of the units while remaining accessible on demand. This compaction allows for substantial saving in real estate, increased storage capacity and efficiencies. Our technology can be applied to industrial applications, commercial, business and home applications.
Space-Trac’s high density storage systems are very effective in saving space, and or increasing storage capacity up to 75% in the same foot print, illustration below. They eliminate the need for several access aisles. Because the mobile shelves move along floor tracks, the space for only one aisle is needed. When an item is required the particular shelving bay is identified and by moving Space-Trac mobile units apart, creates an adjacent aisle. The mobile shelving is easily opened and closed with little effort..
Space-Trac mobile carriages can be retrofitted to your current shelving, wide span or pallet racking, allowing you to use your current storage system and maximize your investment. Of course we also supply a full line of shelving to meet your storage needs.
The mobile system utilizes carriages and track to increase storage density by compacting rows of shelving into a single aisle configuration thus converting fixed aisles into storage space thereby greater storage density and capacity is gained. Rows of shelving on a carriage are quickly and easily moved to allow access to a desired row.
With today’s emphasis on reduced inventory, rapid throughput and quick response to market needs, a storage system should have the following qualities: fast, easy access with 100% selectivity, efficient cube utilization, and high return on investment (ROI) with quick payback.